
18-21. August

at peace

kinesiology worldwide congress Hungary

Kinesiology Conference

Main topic of the conference: AT PEACE

Answerable Tuned-in Productive Equality Aware Co-operative Enthusiasm

What is the conference about?


The International Kinesiology College (IKC) has entrusted the Hungarian Kinesiology Foundation with the organisation of the 2021 International Konference.


Dear Colleagues – My dear Friends!

We went public at first in 2001: In August 2001 we were KNOCKing at the door of the kinesiology world.

As a result of my work I called my colleagues into ONENESS in August 2011, which was born as well on that great feast.

And this time? We would like to live and work AT PEACE in August 2022:

first of all with ourselves,

to help our clients to find peace in themselves (since each and every branches of kinesiology are working on to create physical and spiritual balance)

our very own changes can guarantee the peace among our colleagues…(if our personal ecology is in balance, we can cooperate with each others, everything’s in our benefit, we are in our very own center, so with the help of this equilibrium can connect to each other, and to communicate in assertive way)

the changes of our clients have an impact on our environment…if we all of us are working more and more (on ethic way and on a highly qualified level), we have an impact on stress free and positive thinking, on gentle treatment with ourselves, so with these we have an impact on the world…


PACE     FRIEDEN    PAIX0    BÉKE    мир  MIR    ειρήνη    शांति        VREDE    perdamaian    síocháin    平和    和平    평화    spokój    PAZ









If we take RESPONSIBILITY for ourselves, for our thinking, for our feelings, for our actions, for our impact on others,

If we can ATTUNE to our own inner being, and onto the world,

Than we will EFFICIENT in our micro- and macro environment as well,

We feel ourselves EQUAL to everybody and everything,

We are AWARE of our capabilities, we know what we’re doing, and we know our place in the world

We COOPERATE with our immediate and wider environment as well,

We are present in our life and the world ENTHUSIASTICALLY, on a life-affirming way, to live our life happily, and work for our goals…


 Our event is about what are we doing FOR PEACE


Come, and let’s unite, since we belong to a common family, the great family of kinesiologists! Join our forces, increase together the vibration level of the world for us, our children, our grandchildren and for the people!

Demonstrate together at the conference for us, for each other, for peace…AT PEACE…

Be part of our

Let’s meet in Budapest, 18th August 2022!

Köves Zsuzsanna

chairman of the board of trustees, the Hungarian Kinesiology Foundation

director of the congress


Sessions in 1 rooms, for 4 days.

Click the button below for details!


Frequently asked questions

Budapest – Margit sziget – Hotel Danubius


The conference is open to everyone.


Via bank transfer or credit/debit card.

simple pay paypal transferwise




Card payments are absolutely safe. We do not store your data.

Transferwise payment is also available. Details will be provided upon registration.

Yes. Choose this option at registration, and mark the day you whish to attend.

At the venue, at the registration desk.


DON’T FORGET TO MARK the type of food you whish to order.